Category: Superintendent’s Messages
Msg. from Dr. Wills-Calendar Update-Spring Break 3/21-3/25
Dear Putnam Valley Parents and Caregivers:
As you are aware, we have enjoyed a fairly snow-free winter thus far. Over the past six years, at least, we have had a number of snow or other emergency days, and have not had to re-examine our school calendar. As of today, we have used…
Msg. from Dr. Wills and Haldane Supt., Dr. Bowers-Community Connections
Dear Friends of Haldane and Putnam Valley Schools:
The Haldane and Putnam Valley School Districts have a long relationship of community connections in many areas. We have shared students in district-based special education programs, merged track and field teams, and worked together on professional development initiatives in the region. During the past…
Supt. Listening Hour-“Assessment” Conversation-6pm Thursday 3/3-BOE Mtg Info
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
I would like to invite all interested community members to a "Superintendent's Listening Hour" on Thursday evening at 6:00 pm, just prior to the Board of Education meeting. While the agenda is open to allow for dialogue and input, I would like to focus on the topic of…
Congratulations to our Winter Sports Teams
Dear Putnam Valley Staff and Community:
I am very excited for our winter sports teams. We have 5 wrestlers competing in the New York State tournament this Friday and Saturday; our cheerleaders are advancing to sectionals this weekend; and both of our boys and girls basketball teams will compete in semi-finals at…
Black History Month/President’s Day
Dear Staff and Community:
As we honor Black History Month, Lincoln's Birthday and Washington's Birthday in February, I wanted to share some reflections with you. Recently, based on a number of events, some local, some national, I have thought more about the role of civics and history in our schools. Certainly, our…
Let’s Make Attendance A Priority to Impact Student Success
Dear Putnam Valley Staff and Community,
Let's make attendance a priority to impact student success!
Last week, the Putnam Valley Central School District held an "Attendance Summit." A representative group of parents, administrators, a Board member, teachers, guidance counselors, social workers, psychologists and support personnel met from 12:00-2:00pm to focus on…
There’s an app for that… PVCSD now has their very own app
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
I am excited to announce the launch of the Putnam Valley School District app. As more and more people seek information on their mobile devices we wanted to provide direct access to the district’s most sought after information in the most convenient format. Recognizing trends in social technology…