PV Schools
Dear Putnam Valley Elementary School Families:
With the effects of the recent storm, we did a great deal of tree work around our elementary school campus to remove trees that had fallen and to provide additional preventive maintenance.  Yesterday, without any cause that could be determined, another tree fell on the outdoor classroom. No one was outside at…
Dear Putnam Valley Community: I would like to invite you to our next "Superintendent's Listening Hour", tomorrow, Thursday, June 7. We will meet in our High School Library from 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm. Please consider joining me and sharing what's on your mind as the year comes to an end and we look toward the 2018-2019 academic year. The goal of the Listening…
Dear Putnam Valley Community: On a day for remembrance, we feel a comingling of grief and gratitude. There is a deep sadness for those heroes who sacrificed all for us and left families bereft. We seek photographs and memories for solace, and they are reminders of the loss of their presence in our families, their love and friendship. At the same time, our gratitude…
Dear PV Colleagues and Community: Yesterday, our high school principal, Ms. Intrieri, sent me a text asking what we should write, what message we should send about the shooting in Santa Fe, Texas that led to the loss of 10 lives of students and teachers. To be truthful, I said I didn't know what to say…
Dear Putnam Valley Community: Today, Tuesday, May 15, the Putnam County Personnel Department will be conducting agility testing for the Sheriff's Department on our high school track.  County personnel and candidates will be on our high school campus throughout the day.  The high school track will be the only area in use and traffic will be monitored…
Dear Parents, Caregivers, and Staff: I recently received an email from an elementary school parent who found a tick on her daughter after school. The tick may have come from outdoor recess play, but there is no way of really ascertaining the exact location of contact. Ticks, primarily, are on the ground and climb up the…