PV Schools
Dear Putnam Valley Community: On a day for remembrance, we feel a comingling of grief and gratitude. There is a deep sadness for those heroes who sacrificed all for us and left families bereft. We seek photographs and memories for solace, and they are reminders of the loss of their presence in our families, their love and friendship. At the same time, our gratitude…

At the Special Business Meeting of May 23, 2018, the Board of Education passed the following resolution-

WHEREAS the safety and security of students and staff is the single most important responsibility of our school district; and WHEREAS with the increasing instances of threats and serious incidents in schools across the nation,…
Dear PV Colleagues and Community: Yesterday, our high school principal, Ms. Intrieri, sent me a text asking what we should write, what message we should send about the shooting in Santa Fe, Texas that led to the loss of 10 lives of students and teachers. To be truthful, I said I didn't know what to say…
Dear Parent/Guardian: We have great news! In our continuing effort to provide the highest level of service to you, we have transitioned from MyNutrikids.com to mySchoolBucks.com for your online school meal payments.  This website provides a number of key features you will find beneficial including: .   Scheduled recurring payments .   Automatic deposits when your child's account balance runs low .   Extended purchase…

Budget Vote and Board Election Results

Budget Proposition

Yes: 351 No: 178

Proposition 2 Buses

Yes: 328 No: 196

Candidate Votes

Guy Cohen: 373 Barbara Parmly: 416