PV Schools

Superintendent’s Messages

School Budget Q&A sessions – All Welcome Thursday 3/27 / Wednesday 4/23

Dear Putnam Valley Community: Across New York State, annual school budgets will be presented to voters on Tuesday, May 20. Our vote will be held at Putnam Valley Elementary School and polls will be open from 6 AM to 9 PM. Please consider joining us for one or more of our budget sessions. Thursday, March 27 at PVHS - Budget and Capital Project Q&A - 5:45 PM to 6:45 PM - High School Library (prior to the Board of Education Meeting at 7 PM in the high school cafeteria) Wednesday, April 23 at PVES - Budget and Capital Project Q&A - 7:00 PM to ...

Latest Board of Education Meeting Video


Inside Putnam Valley

In this edition of Inside Putnam Valley, our hosts Eric Gross and Superintendent Jeremy Luft discuss the ongoing school budget process, Kindergarten registration, parent and community opportunities to visit our schools, the amazing Cheerleading and Girls Swim teams, Heart of a Giant Award winner Eduardo Recinos, and the high level research being done by our Science Research students.

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