Dear Putnam Valley Community:
Last weekend there was a strong presence across the nation of science teachers and scientists to make the case for the critical role that science plays in our nation’s progress, and our planet’s present and future viability. Earth Day called attention to our environment and our responsibility as stewards for our children. What will be our legacy; what role do we play as educators in shaping the world our children inherit?
At Putnam Valley, science is alive and well, a vibrant and thriving component of our curriculum and way of thinking. The evidence was very striking at our inspiring National Honor Society Ceremony last week. We heard from our senior members of the NHS as they described their future plans. Many of those students claim science programs as their majors in the fine colleges they will be attending. Majors included environmental science, bio-medical studies, chemical engineering, and other related fields. Indeed, our science research students have been competing favorably in regional competitions and are proud of their research papers and studies that are establishing their credentials for the next step in their future. In a White Plains Science and Technology fair just this past weekend, Science Research students Walter Wacaser, Jasper Katzban, and Ryan Usai were recognized for their achievements. Let’s also recognize the science fair at the elementary school and the Pollinator project and environmental initiatives at the middle school.
Clearly, our dedicated science teachers are inspiring student scientists. That means that they are teaching students to inquire using the scientific method that requires a hypothesis and evidenced based conclusions. Supporting the teachers at the high school is our Library-Media Specialist, Marifran DeMaine. National Library week was celebrated during our break; however, Ms. DeMaine is a constant in the students’ lives at the high school, urging them on in their research, finding sites and articles and generating enthusiasm for their scholarship. (Most recently, Ms. DeMaine has displayed flags in the windows of the library with the names of colleges that our students will attend.) At our elementary school, library aide, Ms. Broas assists the students in the science fair, along with our high school students who mentor the fourth graders. Ms. Broas works with teachers in the maker space as well to support our enthusiastic students.
Doing our part to improve our environment, the Putnam Valley School District will enter into an Energy Performance Contract to reduce our carbon footprint, bringing solar installations to our high school/middle school campus, transforming all lighting to LED, and expanding the geo-thermal project to our elementary school. Currently, the high school and middle school use no oil due to the extensive geo-thermal initiative at the campus. In addition, a curriculum is planned to involve students K-12 in the science of the new energy projects. The monetary savings are significant as well, $384,000 per year district-wide, with an additional $600,000 over 25 years if the community approves the incentive during the budget vote.
Commitment to science has a positive economic, social, and human health impact. Our students are well prepared to participate in the community of science.
Enjoy this beautiful weekend.
Dr. Frances Wills
Superintendent of Schools