PV Schools

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We wanted to touch base with everyone to make you aware of a disturbing trend that has developed on social media and internet platforms, that some of your children may have experienced or heard about.  It is not uncommon that inappropriate content may be hidden or embedded into videos on the internet. While adults are often easily able to navigate such disturbances, it is difficult for children to do so without oversight and/or guidance from a parent or another trusted adult.

Please click here to watch a video regarding the disturbing trend that has resurfaced and that I encourage you to speak with your children about. Click here for another link to a recent article that you may find helpful and interesting.

Let’s use this as a reminder to be vigilant and consistently supervise the games children play, videos they watch, and their activity on social media platforms. Here are resources that you may find helpful:

· Should my Child have a Social Media Account?

· Kids and Social Media

Please contact our clinical staff, principals, or assistant principals at any time if you have any questions or feedback that you feel may be helpful.


Dr. Frances Wills
Superintendent of Schools
