PV Schools

Dear Putnam Valley Community:

Vaccinations:  Vaccination continues to be the most effective way to protect yourself from the COVID-19 virus.  Vaccination appointments are currently widely available, and individuals 16 and older may now receive walk-in appointments at NYS run vaccination clinics. The Putnam County Department of Health vaccination clinics often have available time slots for anyone 18 years or older. https://am-i-eligible.covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/

Hiring Committee, Director of Curriculum & Instruction:  I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who volunteered to be part of the interview process. We received an overwhelming level of interest, especially among parents.  A follow-up email was shared with everyone who had responded to the survey (as of April 28).

Planning for the 2021 – 2022 School Year:  While we await further guidance from the New York State Department of Health, Putnam Valley is already moving ahead with plans to fully reopen our schools next school year.  We do not anticipate offering an “all-remote” option next year.  Each building is currently planning summer recovery and reentry opportunities to help transition students back into our buildings.

COVID Positive Cases:  Positive news: We do not have any new cases to report this week.  Please continue to follow the health precautions and we should continue to see a decrease in the number of positive cases across our region.

End of Year Events:  As we explore opportunities to celebrate our student accomplishments, in the event that in-person events are held, we anticipate all participants and guests will be required to show either a negative COVID test or proof of vaccination to attend. Each building is closely monitoring state guidelines.

Quarantines:  It is important to note that although New York State has granted school districts more flexibility to bring additional students back into our classrooms, the quarantine restrictions have not changed. For example, students may sit three feet apart in the classroom, but in the event of a positive case, contact tracing would include at least all students within six feet of the positive individual.  In instances where students are not wearing a mask (snack, lunch, band, etc.), contact identification extends beyond the six feet.

Important Links:

Updated New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Guidance can be found here:  https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/Pre-K_to_Grade_12_Schools_MasterGuidance.pdf

Updated Guidance for Commencement Ceremonies and School Proms (Issued by NYSDOH): https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2021/04/doh_covid19_updatedgraduationguidance_041221.pdf

Travel Advisories:  https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-travel-advisory

Vaccination Information & Links
State Run Clinics:  https://am-i-eligible.covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/
Putnam County Clinics:  https://www.putnamcountyny.com/covid-19-vaccine-information/

Stay well,

Dr. Jeremy Luft
Superintendent of Schools

Early Dismissal - Friday, December 20, 2024
Due to the forecast for inclement weather later today, all Putnam Valley Schools will dismiss ONE hour earlier than normal. All afterschool activities are canceled.