PV Schools

Dear Putnam Valley Community:

Like many districts across the region, the Putnam Valley School District has been closely monitoring the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (CoVid-19).  We remain in close communication with local and state departments of health and other health organizations. To ensure we receive the most up to date information, we participate in a weekly webinar hosted by the New York State Department of Health.  As of today’s phone call, there are still no cases of Novel Coronavirus (CoVid-19) in New York State.

Please review the information we shared on February 7.  Click here.

In response to a very active flu season, the district has increased our efforts to clean and disinfect our classrooms and buildings in addition to our typical procedures used to combat the spread of any viruses by washing and disinfecting surfaces on a regular basis. Over the recent February break, each building underwent extensive cleaning.

Out of an abundance of caution, and in the interest of safety, we share this information with you so that you may remain informed and take steps to keep your families and our school community healthy.  We remain in close communication with health care officials and have begun internal conversations to develop a wide range of contingency plans in the event we receive guidance from the health department that additional measures are necessary.

The department of health encourages the following to help prevent the spread of viruses:

  • Wash your hands often and cover your coughs and sneezes. It’s best to use a tissue and quickly throw it away. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands.

  • Children with the flu should be isolated in the home, away from other people.

  • Children should stay home until they are fever-free, without the use of fever-control medicines, for 24 hours.

  • ​Remind children to:

    • Wash their hands often with soap and water
    • Keep hands away from their face
    • Do not share water bottles etc.
    • Cover coughs and sneezes to protect others

We look forward to seeing your children healthy and happy every day in our schools!


Dr. Jeremy Luft
Superintendent of Schools

Season Influenza Information for Children and Adolescents
Updated travel information related to 2019‐nCoV
CDC’s dedicated 2019-nCoV website 
NYSDOH’s dedicated 2019-nCoV website
