PV Schools

Good afternoon,

Due to a rainy, rather than snowy, winter, we are able to consider some adjustments to our school calendar.  It is anticipated that the Board of Education will approve the following calendar changes at their next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 16.

School buildings and offices will be closed on Monday, April 22, with one exception.

The District Office will be open from 8 am to 5 pm to comply with state deadlines for accepting petitions for a position on the Board of Education. We wish a happy Passover to all who will be celebrating.

Tuesday, June 25, will be a half-day for Putnam Valley Elementary School.

Wednesday, June 26, will be a half-day for Putnam Valley Elementary School and Putnam Valley Middle School. More information will be shared by the building principals.

Thank you.

Dr. Jeremy Luft
Superintendent of Schools
