PV Schools

Dear Members of the Putnam Valley Community:

After an extensive search process within a limited time frame, I anticipate that the Board of Education will appoint Dr. Kern Mojica to the position of Assistant Principal at the PV Middle School on Thursday evening, November 15, 2018, at the regularly scheduled Board of Education Meeting. Although the vacancy arose during the school year, there were 110 applicants; 17 qualified candidates were screened by Mr. McCarty, Dr. Luft and I over two evenings. Four candidates were interviewed by a representative committee consisting of 30 teachers and community members. The committee was divided so that one group used a standard interview procedure with pre-vetted questions and the second group observed a presentation by the candidate on a task assigned ahead of time and then posed queries related to the presentation. Board member Barbara Parmly participated in the interviews.  A writing sample was also administered after the interviews were conducted. During the debriefing session, after substantive discussion, there was a significant consensus that the candidate to bring forward to the Board is Dr. Mojica.

Dr. Mojica brings a strong mathematics background, a doctorate from Pace in Computing, 13 very successful years at Pleasantville as a teacher leader, coach, creator, teacher, director of the District’s STEM program, and administrative intern. In addition, Dr. Mojica was a well-respected athletic coach. He played Division 1 football for the University of New Hampshire, and brings his experience coaching students on and off the field to the role of assistant principal. His references revealed a teacher well-loved by students, respected by peers and principal, and highly recommended by the superintendent. I was informed by a fellow teacher that Dr. Mojica is called upon regularly by the administration to provide professional development and support to staff and that teachers invite him into their classrooms to offer ideas and suggestions for hands-on activities. He has volunteered his time to contribute in many ways to Pleasantville and will be missed by all.  Dr. Mojica is viewed as a leader in the District, and his knowledge and pedagogical strength are only superseded by his personal qualities, including a great sense of humor and a warm, loving builder of relationships throughout the community.  He was called a “kid magnet,” by each of his references. I strongly recommend Dr. Mojica for our next assistant principal and ask our Putnam Valley community to welcome him as a partner to our principal and staff, and a leader and role model for our students.


Dr. Frances Wills
Superintendent of Schools
