PV Schools

The Putnam Valley Central School District, hereinafter called the District, advocates for the highest quality public education for all students, and develops and supports school system leaders, and

The District supports and values an inclusive, safe and innovative quality public education system that ensures all students can succeed, regardless of their zip code, the color of their skin, their native language, their gender/gender identity, their immigration status, their religion, or their social standing, and

The District promotes equity and excellence for students, educators and administrators by implementing continuous improvement and research-supported best practices, and

The District advocates for policies that address the unique needs of persistently under-served children, and

The District supports creating stable, equitable, predictable and adequate funding for schools based on local, state and federal revenues that will meet the challenges of universal proficiency and provide the funding base needed to support a system which leads to success for all students, and

The District supports the application of public school accountability systems for all educational institutions receiving local, state or federal funding including, but not limited to: virtual schools; charter schools; independent schools; and home school placements, and

The District supports public school choice and charter schools that operate under the governance of local public school boards. There should be a level playing field, including non-discriminatory and unconditional enrollment for all children. Common regulations and accountability should apply to all schools receiving public funding, and

WHEREAS, investing in public education is crucial to ensuring the future health of our economy and our country’s global competitiveness. Students must leave their public schools ready for success in our 21st century society and ready to fill current and future jobs. A robust federal investment in education is necessary to equip schools with the resources – personnel, facilities, technology – to position students to acquire the skills and knowledge needed for college and career success, and

WHEREAS, without quality public education, there will exist a great divide between the educated and uneducated, corresponding to the divide between the rich and the poor and the strong and the weak, and

WHEREAS, the existence of a strong, effective system of free public education for all children is essential to our democratic system of government, and

WHEREAS, public schools provide students with broad-based educational opportunities to include: learning multiple languages; having exposure to the history, culture, and context of all regions of the world; learning how to collaboratively solve problems and interact with peoples of different cultures and different lands; and developing empathy for human differences, commonalities, backgrounds and cultures,

WHEREAS, investing in public education is critical to student health. Public schools serve as a lifeline for children who can’t access health services outside of school. Schools are uniquely positioned to help children and youth acquire life-long, health-promoting knowledge, skills and behaviors, and

WHEREAS, investment in public education matters. While the federal government contributes (on average) just over 10 percent of a school district’s operating budget, the federal funds provide critical support to schools and the neediest students they serve, and

WHEREAS, getting children ready for democracy embraces the notion that, to thrive, this nation must have citizens committed to the ideals and work of democracy, equipped to operate in a democracy and who can find common ground in their differences and respect where common ground is absent, and

BE IT RESOLVED these statements exemplify the importance of enhancing educational opportunities for students, therefore:
The nation’s public school superintendents call on local, state and federal lawmakers to prioritize support for strengthening our nation’s public schools and empowering local education leaders to implement, manage and lead school districts;

The District advocates for local, state and federal policy that is committed to supporting and educating the whole child, providing support for academic and non-academic factors, including counseling, extra/co-curricular activities and mental health supports;
The District joins AASA, The School Superintendents Association, in support of the “I Love Public Education Campaign” to tell the good news of public education, to engage in conversation related to ensuring that every community has access to a high quality public school, and to support the leaders of our nation’s public schools;

The District affirms its commitment to these values and will be steadfast in its efforts to protect students and their families, public schools and our communities from any policies that would undermine these values;

The District urges Congress to ensure federal resources are allocated equitably, providing increased levels of support for needier communities and districts;
This, the 7th day of September 2017.


Motion by Guy Cohen, second by David Spittal.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Guy Cohen, Jeanine Rufo, Ralph Smith, David Spittal, Joseph Ferraro