Budget Vote & Board Election, Tuesday, May 20, 2025
6:00am to 9:00pm at Putnam Valley Elementary School
Interested in Running for School Board? There are two trustee seats being voted on at the May 20, 2025, election. Please see the attached link regarding running for a school board seat:
To be a candidate on the May 20, 2025, ballot for the Board of Education, persons need to obtain a minimum of 28 signatures from qualified voters. Please contact the District Clerk, Maureen Bellino, for signature petition forms or more information. Signed petitions are due back by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 21, 2025.
Voter Info:
Check Your Voter Registration Here:
If you are not registered, you can utilize & mail the county form prior to the vote (must be registered at the county no later than May 15, 2025):
Stop by the District Office any weekday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. before May 15, 2025
Obtaining an absentee or early mail ballot is a two-step process.
An application must be submitted before an absentee or early mail ballot can be provided to a voter.
Applications to obtain Absentee or Early Mail Ballots are available as follows after April 21, 2025:
- On the website, after April 21, 2025.
- In person from the District Clerk, Mrs. Maureen Bellino, in the District Office from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. between April 21, 2025, until Monday, May 19, 2025
- By calling (845) 528-8143 ext. 1367 (mailed applications must be done in a timely manner as ballots cannot be mailed to voters after May 13, 2025).
- By writing to:
District Clerk
Putnam Valley Central School District
171 Oscawana Lake Road
(Admin Building located behind the Elementary School)
Putnam Valley, New York 10579
Return completed applications to the District Clerk as soon as possible.
Please note that ballots cannot be mailed to voters after May 13, 2025.
Completed ballots must be returned to the District Clerk
by 5:00 p.m. on May 20, 2025.
Please be advised that no person can have two legal residences for voting purposes. It is not enough to own property or lease a place of business in the Putnam Valley Central School District. You must also qualify as a legal resident.