Category: Superintendent’s Messages
Msg. From Dr. Wills-Empathy for Las Vegas
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
The natural disasters that have affected millions of our countrymen in the last few months have been a terrifying reminder of Nature’s wrath. Without human agency to blame, we bear up and move to do whatever we can to relieve the suffering that results. While we analyze and question decisions and planning…
PVCSD Benefit Concert for Puerto Rico-October 17-Please join us
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
Our students and staff are eager to begin their next service project. Putnam Valley Central School District will join New York State in the Empire State Relief and Recovery for Puerto Rico. We have begun planning a benefit concert and potluck dinner for Tuesday, October 17, at our high school to collect…
PVCSD Benefit Concert for Puerto Rico-October 17 – Please join us
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
Putnam Valley Central School District’s successful fundraising efforts to assist Kolter Elementary School in Houston, Texas have allowed our Make A Difference Club to send $1,050 in gift cards and school supplies. Ten large boxes of books have also been sent from our Elementary School.
Our students and staff are eager to begin…
September 11 Remembrance / Help for Houston
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
For those of us who were here in New York on September 11, 2001 the memories of that day begin with a perfect fall day of bright sun, blue, blue skies and a cool stillness. After that, our breathing begins to become heavy, and terrible images prevail along with emotions that are…
Heroes amongst us!
To All:
Today I was visiting Mrs. Podesta and Ms. Mistretta at the Elementary School. Suddenly there was an emergency call from the cafeteria. Our hearts stopped as we raced to the scene. What we found was that caring, well-trained, alert monitors had spotted a child choking and…
Dignity and Humanity In Our Schools
August 16, 2017
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
As an educator, parent and concerned citizen, the voices of hate that are heard in our country are deeply disturbing and hurtful. We are compelled to reflect on how devastating such language has been to other nations and to our own nation in the past. Indeed, as we prepare for…
Sad news/PVES student
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
Yesterday evening we were informed of the tragic death of one of our elementary school students, Fatima Martinez, a rising third grader. Fatima has a two-year-old sister and an older brother who also attends our schools. Fatima was a sweet and caring child, cherished and beloved by the Putnam Valley Elementary School…