PV Schools
Dear Putnam Valley Community: In the spirit of the holiday season, we are sending along our most recent wrap up of PVCSD news. Please take a look. You will learn a great deal about how everyone is working together to benefit and support our students and their learning. The newsletter is full of exciting initiatives and student activities…

Dear Putnam Valley Staff and Community:

Over the last several weeks, the flood of sexual harassment accusations has been a shock to our system, as so many icons have been undone. For those who lead school organizations, the issue translates into a series of questions: Why? And what can we do?  How can we effectively…
Dear Putnam Valley Community: As we look forward to our Thanksgiving holiday, I want to convey special appreciation to our high school musicians for conducting their third annual Gratitude Festival at the Tompkins Corners Cultural Center, tonight at 7:00 pm.  This event has become a highlight of the year for many, as the students are performing…
Dear Putnam Valley Community: In the past two weeks, we have held two meetings of our Facilities Planning Committee. As described in an earlier memorandum to the public, the District is conducting a facilities planning process to prepare, in a timely fashion, for capital projects that would be eligible for state aid and would not impact the budget or taxpayer expenditures. We…
In reference to the Hepatitis A message sent out by the Putnam Valley School District on Friday, October 27, 2017, we have been informed that the test results have indicated that the employee does not have Hepatitis A. Therefore, there is no reason for further concern regarding this issue. We always seek to give important…
Dear Putnam Valley Community: We are sending this letter for informational purposes in order to keep our community advised of a situation that has come to our attention.  We have been informed by the Putnam County Department of Health, that an employee of the Putnam Valley Central School District, located at our elementary school, may have…