Category: Superintendent’s Messages
Msg. from Dr. Luft: Facilities Project Update
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
On May 18, 2023, the Board of Education approved a resolution to create a Capital Improvement and Facilities Planning Committee to explore future capital improvement needs of the school district. This committee was composed of community members, teachers, parents, administrators, and members of our support staff. Committee members worked diligently…
Thanksgiving Letter from Dr. Luft
First Responder Appreciation at Friday’s Football Game 5:30 – 11/1
Update – Police Activity Concluded
Good afternoon,
I’d like to begin by expressing my gratitude for your flexibility this morning. I know it is never easy for families when schools are closed unexpectedly. I’m happy to report that the police investigation has concluded and the suspect is in custody. The school district has been given the “all clear” to…