PV Schools
Dear Putnam Valley Community: Across New York State, annual school budgets will be presented to voters on Tuesday, May 20. Our vote will be held at Putnam Valley Elementary School and polls will be open from 6 AM to 9 PM. Please consider joining us for one or more of our budget sessions. These informal settings are…
Good morning, A short time ago, an ambulance was called to our elementary school to provide medical assistance for an adult. To keep hallways clear, a hold-in-place has been called, and students will resume their normal schedule shortly. Thank you, Dr. Jeremy Luft Superintendent of Schools
Dear Putnam Valley Community: As required by the New York State Department of Health, we are notifying you that a person in our elementary school was recently diagnosed with pertussis (whooping cough). Pertussis is an illness particularly notable for its severe and long-lasting cough. The following information has been provided by the Putnam County Department of Health. Pertussis is…
The District is aware of the discoloration of the water on the High School/Middle School campus.  We have been in contact with the Yorktown Water District which provides water service to those buildings.  They have received similar complaints from residents along that section of their system. The discoloration is a result of yesterday’s fire along…

Dear Putnam Valley Community:

Peekskill Hollow Road remains closed at this time.  We expect student dismissal from our High School and Middle School to be on time. However, due to the road closure, the dismissal process could take longer and may impact the Elementary School dismissal. We expect any delays to be minimal.
