PV Schools
Dear Putnam Valley Community: We need your participation! As you may be aware, the Putnam Valley School District has established an Educational Facilities Planning Committee to assist the Board of Education in reviewing our current academic and extracurricular spaces, the safety and security of our facilities, and all underlying infrastructure.  The committee will work to ensure that…
Dear Putnam Valley Community: The natural disasters that have affected millions of our countrymen in the last few months have been a terrifying reminder of Nature’s wrath. Without human agency to blame, we bear up and move to do whatever we can to relieve the suffering that results. While we analyze and question decisions and planning…
Dear Putnam Valley Community: Putnam Valley Central School District’s successful fundraising efforts to assist Kolter Elementary School in Houston, Texas have allowed our Make A Difference Club to send $1,050 in gift cards and school supplies.  Ten large boxes of books have also been sent from our Elementary School. Our students and staff are eager to begin…
Superintendent Dr. Fran Wills and Eric Gross kick off another exciting year in the Putnam Valley schools. In this episode we meet Dr. Jeremy Luft, the new Director of Learning and Nicole Mangiere, the new middle school assistant principal. We also learn about new teacher orientation, the high school's college essay program…
Dear Putnam Valley Community: For those of us who were here in New York on September 11, 2001 the memories of that day begin with a perfect fall day of bright sun, blue, blue skies and a cool stillness. After that, our breathing begins to become heavy, and terrible images prevail along with emotions that are…