PV Schools

Dear Putnam Valley Staff and Community:

Over the last several weeks, the flood of sexual harassment accusations has been a shock to our system, as so many icons have been undone. For those who lead school organizations, the issue translates into a series of questions: Why? And what can we do?  How can we effectively…
Dear Putnam Valley Community: As we look forward to our Thanksgiving holiday, I want to convey special appreciation to our high school musicians for conducting their third annual Gratitude Festival at the Tompkins Corners Cultural Center, tonight at 7:00 pm.  This event has become a highlight of the year for many, as the students are performing…
Dear Putnam Valley Community: In the past two weeks, we have held two meetings of our Facilities Planning Committee. As described in an earlier memorandum to the public, the District is conducting a facilities planning process to prepare, in a timely fashion, for capital projects that would be eligible for state aid and would not impact the budget or taxpayer expenditures. We…