PV Schools
In this exciting back-to-school edition of Inside Putnam Valley, hosts Eric Gross and Superintendent of Schools Jeremy Luft discuss the opening of the school, the mask mandate, and the middle school bathroom renovation. We also meet the Athletic Director David Kantrowitz and learn more about him and his plans for athletics in Putnam Valley.
Dear Putnam Valley Community: Reflecting on the return to school this week, I’m feeling tremendous pride and gratitude for our PV students and staff, and at the same time, I’m finding it difficult to comprehend that this Saturday, September 11, 2021, will mark the 20th anniversary of that tragic day.  A day when everyone who is…

Dear Putnam Valley Community:

As everyone begins to settle back into school during these first two interrupted weeks of instruction, I would like to take this opportunity to restate and clarify some information:

Remote vs Quarantined Instruction:  These two terms have been used within a variety of communications and warrant clarification.

  • Remote…

Dear Putnam Valley Community:

With open arms and smiling faces, we welcomed students back into our buildings.  The energy has been restored to our buildings and our classrooms are again filled with students eager to learn alongside their peers.  Our staff members rejoice in the fact that their classrooms once again resemble the student-centered…