PV Schools

Good Afternoon Putnam Valley Community:

Well, the weather forecast has been accurate. It is hot outside!  Rest assured that we are closely monitoring the health and safety of our students.  As deemed necessary, outdoor activities may be moved indoors.  Putnam Valley’s long-term investment in sustainable energy, specifically the installation of geothermal heating and cooling…

Dear Putnam Valley Community: Appreciation is the theme for this month’s message.  As the Superintendent of Schools in Putnam Valley, I would like to extend my gratitude to the community members who came out and voted on this year’s school budget and propositions.  Regardless of how you voted, thank you for taking the time to let…

Dear Putnam Valley Community :

As required by the New York State Department of Health, we are notifying you that a person in our high school was recently diagnosed with pertussis (whooping cough). Pertussis is an illness particularly notable for its severe and long-lasting cough. The following information has been provided by the Putnam County Department…