PV Schools

Dear Putnam Valley Community:

Earlier today, I encouraged our staff to take a collective sigh of relief and enjoy the upcoming week. I am encouraging all of our students and families to do the same.  One day we will all look back on the last ten months with amazement for what was accomplished during these difficult times. Collectively, the Putnam Valley School community has made the impossible possible. The tireless work of our teachers, support staff, and administrators, along with our students and parents, have made this year the success it has been. It has certainly not been an easy road for anyone, but I could not be more proud of our staff and our community for all we were able to accomplish despite the overwhelming challenges we faced.

I am extremely hopeful that 2021 will be a better year for all of us.  A year that will offer the most promising end to this pandemic through the introduction of a highly effective vaccine.  A year that will allow us to slowly transition into a new and more sustainable “normal.” A year that will allow us to restore some of the traditions, celebrations, and events that we have recently lost.

It has certainly been a stressful and exhausting ten months for everyone. Please safely enjoy time with your family over the holiday recess. While we know there will continue to be some bumps in the road, I have a great deal of confidence that the Putnam Valley School District will continue to rise to the challenge.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday and New Year!

Take care and stay well,

Dr. Jeremy Luft
Superintendent of Schools
