PV Schools

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Please review Putnam Valley Central School District’s Parent/Student Expectations for the 2020 – 2021 school year. We recognize that this upcoming school year will be challenging and unlike any other, yet filled with new learning for all.  Please read and become familiar with this document.  This document has been updated in the Continuity of Instruction plan (COI Plan) located on the district website.   If you have any questions please contact your child’s school or visit our website at www.pvcsd.org.  If you require technology support, please begin by visiting the Parent Technology Support website at Parent Tech Support Site.  We value your partnership and know that working together will ensure that our school community remains strong.


Jenette Mistretta
Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Parent/Student Expectations:

Parents and caregivers are asked to partner with the school district to monitor their students’ participation in the lessons and learning activities provided by teachers.  It is critical that all students remain engaged and connected with their teachers and peers.  This way of learning is different and there must be a concerted effort between students, parents, teachers, and administrators to ensure its success.

Attendance:  Students are expected to participate in both in-person and virtual instruction and will be held responsible for being present in class, in-person or virtually.  Normal attendance procedures will be followed when students miss several classes.  Teachers will use Powerschool to track daily attendance.  Student attendance will be recorded every day that school is in session; in-person, hybrid, and full time remote learners.

In-person attendance – students are physically in the classroom.

Remote learning attendance – Students are present on a Google Meet, or demonstrate engagement as directed by the teacher.

Participation:  Students are expected to be present and actively engaged in the learning tasks, ask questions, and virtually collaborate with classmates at home and in school.  Students will also be required to complete a variety of self-directed and asynchronous activities. This way of learning is different and there must be a concerted effort between students, parents, teachers, and administrators to ensure its success. When working virtually on Google Meet, the “Chat” stream should be used only at the request of the teacher or to ask the teacher a question. Students must also keep their cameras on during online learning, so that students are visible to their teacher.

Daily Schedule:  Students are expected to follow their daily schedule of classes and actively participate in those classes in-person and virtually.  Students will check in with their teachers at the beginning of each class.  Students will log into Google Meet 2-3 minutes prior to the start of class.

Grading:  Students will be graded in a traditional manner.  The Elementary School will return to the standards-based model, with a positive narrative grading format for remote learners.  Middle School and High School will continue with numeric grading.

Social Emotional Well-Being:  Students should reach out to a teacher or clinical staff member for support when needed; our focus in the beginning of the school year will be on establishing a comfortable learning environment for all students.

Distance Learning Etiquette:

  • Students must utilize a quiet location that is free from distractions (music, TV volume, eating, pets, and younger siblings if possible) while participating in distance learning.
  • Students should be dressed appropriately while participating in distancing learning and be respectful of other participants.
  • During remote learning, students are prohibited from filming, taking screenshots, or recording lessons in any other way.
  • Students are expected to be present during the interactive portion of the lesson.
  • Students should leave enough time to connect to the virtual classroom prior to the start of instruction, this includes making sure their device is charged and connected to the Internet.
  • No communication between parents and teachers is permitted during a scheduled class.  Parents should not interrupt lessons.  Parents are encouraged to contact teachers via email if the need arises.

Behavioral Expectations: All students whether participating in-person or remotely will be held to the PVCSD Code of Conduct.  The typical classroom rules of the teacher apply at home.

Communication:  Students and parents should reach out for support by emailing teachers, counselors, support staff, building, and district administrators.

Healthy Practices:  All students will be required to wear a mask while in school unless they are eating or participating in a teacher directed mask break.

  • Bring your masks to school every day
  • Masks must be worn at all times while on the bus
  • Masks must be worn when entering the building
  • Masks must be worn in the hallways and classrooms
  • Masks must be worn during emergency drills

Students will be asked to practice appropriate hygiene practices, including hand washing, use of hand sanitizer, and respiratory protection.  Students must follow social distancing guidelines and regulations to the fullest extent possible.

  • Students are not to share food or drinks
  • Students are not to share masks or other items
  • Stay to the right and stay six feet apart while walking through the hallways
  • Sit only in designated desks and seating areas
  • Students who utilize district transportation will be assigned a designated seat

Home Health Screening:  All families are required to complete a home health screening each day before their child(ren) leaves for school.  This screening must include a temperature check.  If your child exhibits any of the symptoms related to COVID-19, they should be kept home from school.  Students who continue to exhibit symptoms should be seen by a doctor and provided a note before returning to school.  Parents will be periodically required to acknowledge that they are conducting a daily health screening and temperature check of their child(ren).

In-School Health Screening:  The district will conduct random temperature checks during arrival and throughout the school day.  Any child with a fever of over 100 degrees, or displaying any symptoms associated with COVID-19, will be sent to a quarantine room and will need to be promptly picked up from school.

Return to School Procedure:  Students who exhibit symptoms associated with COVID-19 must be cleared by a doctor and be symptom free before returning to school.  Please review this CDC link for more detailed information:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/index.html


Jenette Mistretta
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
