PV Schools

Dear Parents and Community Members:

I want to follow up on our efforts to improve transportation service. It is understandable that there has been frustration and concern expressed by parents for issues that have occurred since the start of school. While the process for arrival and departure has improved and drivers have been trained more thoroughly on the routes, we have had recent problems with athletic runs and with some bus breakdowns. Bus breakdowns do occur with 40 + vehicles on the road, but should not be a frequent occurrence. Replacements should arrive in a timely manner to take students to their destination promptly.

All instances and problems are reported to the bus company immediately. In fact, we hold a weekly meeting with the owner of the company that I attend with all administrators who are responsible for this area of operations. We monitor all aspects of performance and maintain a rigorous monitoring. Mr. Koenig serves as remarkable manager of the transportation process and communicates with parents and drivers whenever he is contacted. He often drives in order to be sure that all students are served. David Spittal, our current Director of Operations, is a conscientious leader who joins our Treasurer, Ms. Figarella in examining all of the options we have to ensure service improvement. Mr. Burrow, our athletic director, provides information well ahead of the away games so that the bus company is aware of needs.  We have been focusing on safety and performance, and want to assure our community that we are scrupulous in following up on all problems that emerge, seeking solutions and requiring fulfillment of all contractual responsibilities.

Wishing you all an enjoyable fall weekend!
Dr. Frances Wills
Superintendent of Schools