PV Schools

Dear Putnam Valley Community:

On Saturday evening, the Putnam Valley High School History Club and PV Alumna Sarah Sperling will present, Lockdown, a documentary featuring teacher and staff recollections from September 11, 2001.

This screening commemorates the 15th anniversary of a tragedy that shaped so many lives and allows us to remember and examine our responses, then and now.  It is inspiring to see how our graduates seek to make sense of their world and share their meaning with us, in this instance, through the medium of film.  I hope the Putnam Valley community will join in sharing this perspective on an event that clearly influenced our daily lives and points of view.  We came together then, and long for a similar sense of community and national identity.  Many of our current staff members are interviewed in the film and you can see their struggle to convey this experience of the unthinkable to their students and to each other. 

Please share the invitation to attend with your neighbors and friends who may not have children in our schools. All are welcome.

Performing Arts Center

Saturday, September 10
7:00 PM
(45 minute documentary)




Dr. Frances Wills

Superintendent of Schools
