PV Schools

Dear Putnam Valley Staff and Community:

Five years ago on December 14, 2012, the terrible tragedy of Sandy Hook broke our hearts and sent a wave of fear and horror throughout the world, as 20 primary school-age children and six educators died as a result of a senseless violent act.  Courageous educators who died that day included a principal, psychologist and teachers who were heroic in their efforts to save the children in their care. The terrible act in Newtown has led to rethinking of safety strategies and a new emphasis on security at schools that has completely transformed the image of schools as carefree places of learning.

In support of those who lost their children and family members on that day and will forever mourn their loss, I wanted to share a website that offers a profile of each of the victims so that their lives are always honored:   https://mysandyhookfamily.org/


Fran Wills
