PV Schools

Dear Putnam Valley Community:

In the spirit of the holiday season, we are sending along our most recent wrap up of PVCSD news. Please take a look.

You will learn a great deal about how everyone is working together to benefit and support our students and their learning. The newsletter is full of exciting initiatives and student activities that we want to share. Please click here to see the full newsletter.

  • What is Sustainability?
  • New Schedules in the High School
  • Later start time for High School beginning September 2018
  • Facilities Planning Committee
  • LATI Classrooms
  • IB (International Baccalaureate) Program
  • Photos
  • Student Representatives to the Board of Education
  • Spring Musical

Wishing you a very happy and healthy celebration of the season and a very happy 2018!


Dr. Frances Wills
Superintendent of Schools
