PV Schools

Dear Putnam Valley Community:

In the past two weeks, we have held two meetings of our Facilities Planning Committee. As described in an earlier memorandum to the public, the District is conducting a facilities planning process to prepare, in a timely fashion, for capital projects that would be eligible for state aid and would not impact the budget or taxpayer expenditures. We are pleased that so many members of the community have joined the committee. At our last meeting, on Tuesday evening, October 24, more than 25 residents were present to hear a review of facilities projects that were completed in the last two years as well as a presentation from building administrators and our athletic director on initiatives that they believe would improve their facilities, K-12.  The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 9th at 7:00 PM in the High School Library.  The committee will meet again on December 6 and I will continue to share updates throughout this process.


Dr. Frances Wills
Superintendent of Schools

10/4/17 email: Facilities Planning Committee: https://pvcsd.org/index.php/district/superintendent/dear-pvcsd-invite-to-join-facilities-planning-committee-first-meeting-10-12-6pm/
