PV Schools
Dear Putnam Valley Community:

As you know, Arch4Kids, a team of architects who teach and guide students in our region, has been working with different classes throughout our District.  As part of their work with our high school geometry classes, the students worked on another “real-world” challenge and designed a recreation facility for the town. Scaling the design from architectural blueprints, constructing it from recycled materials and developing a site plan layout, was as an authentic assessment that captivated the imagination and enthusiasm of every student involved.

Please take a few minutes and compete the survey below so our students can continue their project by collating, analyzing and reporting the results to the Putnam Valley Parks and Recreation Department. Tomorrow, Thursday, May 18, a student exhibit will be available for viewing in the main hallway of the high school, just prior to the Board of Education meeting at 7:00 PM.


Dr. Frances Wills
Superintendent of Schools

The Town of Putnam Valley is proposing to build a Recreation Center in the Town Park. Students at Putnam Valley High School are conducting a survey to determine what activities and programs the residents would like to see offered.  Please give us your feedback and thank you in advance for your time and participation.  Your opinion is very much appreciated. Please complete a separate survey for each member of your household and respond by June 1, 2017.  Click here for SURVEY

