PV Schools

Dear K-12 Staff and Community Members:

Earlier this year, we addressed concerns revealed in a social media posting by high school students that referenced April 20 and April 21, and I wanted to share an update. As indicated in a recent letter by the high school principal, Ms.Intrieri, the District has arranged for additional security on the middle/high school campus for both of these dates.  We have also requested additional presence by the State Police at our elementary school campus. The District has developed a staff protocol for all schools to address any written symbols, including swastikas that may be discovered by anyone in the school. That protocol involves preserving, photographing and School Resource Officer reporting, prior to removal and the start of an investigation by administration. We are noting that our protocol has been effective as late yesterday a small pencil drawing of a swastika on a bathroom paper dispenser in a high school stall was reported by a staff member for the appropriate implementation of our protocol by administration and proper redress of student violation of our code of conduct.

Next week, on April 24, United States Holocaust Remembrance Day is marked with renewed commitment to remember the 6 million Jews who were killed and to take heed of any signs that diminish  the dignity of every person in our community. No student should have to view a hate symbol that denies his or her humanity. That experience interferes with the educational opportunity and the emotional well being of students. 

We intend to be explicit about our goals for student health and safety. Our administrators and staff are committed to this principle.


Dr. Frances Wills
Superintendent of Schools
