PV Schools

Dear Putnam Valley Community:

 The Board of Education recently approved the District’s proposed energy performance contract (EPC) to promote energy savings and reduced reliance on fossil fuels. As you know, Putnam Valley High School and Putnam Valley Middle School are both served by geothermal systems which eliminate the use of oil in those schools. We use no oil on the High School-Middle School campus. Our Board has always been strongly in favor of sustainability models and reduced energy consumption. The current EPC would provide a large solar array at our Middle and High School, smaller solar arrays in the area of the Elementary School and transportation facility, partial geo-thermal at our Elementary School (including air conditioning in our Elementary School cafeteria), New LED lighting throughout the district, and significant window replacement. There is no cost to the taxpayer for this contract. In fact, each year we will save $384,000. Thus in 10 years, the savings will be well over $3 million.

The District has the opportunity to save another 10%, or $52,000 per year, an additional $600,000 over the 15 years of the project, if the proposition for the contract is put before the voters. The vote would not require any expenditure of funds, but would provide affirmation of the support of the District for this proposal.

In addition, as part of this process, the Board has proposed that the District develop a curriculum to accompany the project. Thus, we are interested in providing K-12 opportunities and access for students to use the sustainability measures as part of problem-based and hands on-learning for students. This process also connects with the Nextgen science standards and, more important, allows the students to be more aware of their school environment and the way technology and alternative energy models actually influence their lives.

This information has been presented in a public forum in a variety of ways:

  • Presentation by ConEdison Solutions here: video link.  
  • Presentation by our District Treasurer, Jill Figarella here: video
  • Interview with the Director of Buildings and Grounds, Pat Bellino and Eric Gross: Inside Putnam Valley

The EPC will be put before the voters as a separate proposition on the School Budget Vote on Tuesday, May 16. The vote will be held at Putnam Valley Elementary School and the polls will be open from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm.


Dr. Frances Wills
Superintendent of Schools
