PV Schools

Dear Staff, Parents and Community Members:

Invitation to Participate In Important Hiring Process

During the week of March 20, we will begin our interview process for two important leadership positions in the District: Assistant Principal of the Middle School and Director of Learning and Innovative Educational Opportunities.  The positions have been posted and advertised widely for several weeks.   Both of these positions will be critical to shaping our District’s future on behalf of our students.

In order to provide an opportunity for participation in the hiring process, we are asking for volunteers to serve on committees that will screen and interview candidates.

Screening interviews for the Director of Learning hiring committee will be conducted on Tuesday, March 21 beginning at 4:00 PM. Screening interviews for the Assistant Principal position will take place on Wednesday, March 22 starting at 3:00 PM.   I am attaching to this email the descriptions of each of these positions and The New York Times advertisement.  

Finalist interviews will be held the following week, on Tuesday, March 28, for the Director of Learning position and Wednesday, March 29, for the Assistant Principal position.

If you are interested in serving on one or both of these committees, please complete the following form:
.  We will get back to you with more details once the committees have been established. If you have any difficulty with the google form, please email your committee request to DLopez@pvcsd.org directly.

Thank you for your involvement in this significant District process.


Dr. Frances Wills
Superintendent of Schools
