Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Putnam Valley High School Course Selection Guide has been updated for the 2020-2021 school year.  This Course Catalogue will provide you with all of the academic information, graduation requirements, and course descriptions that your child will need to fill out a course of study for the next school year.

Dear PVHS Families, The holiday vacation is here! Last week at PVHS we geared up for the holidays with a winter spirit week and pep rally to celebrate our winter teams, wrestling, basketball, gymnastics, swimming, track and cheerleading. The pep rally ended with a student vs. teacher basketball shoot out where the students were victorious. Building…
Dear PVHS Families, With Homecoming 2019 behind us, I want to congratulate all of our fall athletes and teams for their dedication and hard work on the field/court. It was beautiful to see so many parents and alumni at the Homecoming game on Saturday night. Our community is incredibly supportive of our students. Last week was also…

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope that everyone’s year is off to a great start! This week we have two important events happening at the high school that I would like everyone to remember. Tomorrow, September 17th is our annual school picture day. This year, students will be getting their photograph taken during social studies classes.…