PV Schools


This program is available to all students in the seventh and eighth grade. Sport activities offered are determined by the existence of leagues, student interest, and the relationship to the high school program. At this level, the focus is on learning athletic skills and game rules, fundamentals of team play, socio-emotional growth, physiologically appropriate demands on the adolescent body, and healthy competition.  At the Modified level, if the number of students trying out for a team creates a situation that is difficult to manage, poses a safety problem or is problematic because of facility considerations, reducing team size may be necessary. Ultimately, the number of teams and size of the squad in any sport will be determined by the availability of 1) financial resources, 2) qualified coaches, 3) suitable indoor or outdoor facilities, and 4) a safe environment.


The junior varsity level team membership varies by grade. However, freshmen and sophomores usually occupy the majority of the roster. In certain situations, juniors who are expected to make a contribution at the varsity level next year will be considered for junior varsity participation. Middle school students who have satisfied the Advanced Placement Process requirement may also participate. At the junior varsity level, increased emphasis is placed on physical conditioning, refinement of fundamental skills, elements and strategies of team play. Junior varsity programs work toward achieving a balance between continued team and player development and striving for victory. Coaches, as a general rule, will keep less than double the number who starts. Playing time is not guaranteed in each contest. Athletes at this level should be prepared to make a six-day week commitment throughout the season that would be expected on a varsity level team. With the goal of becoming a varsity athlete clearly in sight, a high level of dedication and commitment is expected at the junior varsity level.


Varsity competition is the culmination of each sports program. A varsity team roster is usually comprised of juniors and seniors. Occasionally a sophomore, freshman or 8th grader may be included on the team providing that evidence of advanced levels of physical development and appropriate skills are demonstrated. It is rare that a middle school athlete will be included in a varsity roster, but it could occur. In short, the BEST players could make the team regardless of grade level.

 Varsity coaches will select and dress as many athletes that are practical for their teams. It is understood that the playing time—and sometimes the practice time—may be disproportionate given the competitive nature of varsity athletics. The minimum number of athletes on any given team is a function of those needed to conduct an effective and meaningful practice, and to play the contest. There is no guarantee of playing time.

A high level of skill and commitment is required at the varsity level. Practice and game situations may be scheduled on a six day week commitment throughout the season and may be scheduled  over a holiday, vacation period and, on rare occasions, on Sunday. The varsity coach is the leader of that sports program and is responsible for the communication among junior varsity, and modified programs.
