Dear PVHS Families,

We know that this quarantine has been very hard on families in our community. It is not easy to manage the stresses of a pandemic, and then assist your own children with their school work! The faculty and staff at Putnam Valley High School is available to support you in any way possible. If you are struggling with your child on schoolwork, please reach out to the administration or counseling staff and we will partner with you to navigate this challenging time at home. I have attached to this email a newsletter put together by our counseling team with many resources that may help your child during this quarantine.

Last week grades were posted for 3rd quarter in the parent portal. If your child received an INC in one or more subject areas, this means that he/she owes a significant amount of work in that area and is currently failing the course. Please be aware that the two week grace period to hand in these owed assignments ends Friday, May 1st.

Staying connected with students is our number one priority during this quarantine.  Moving forward, teachers are taking student attendance based on if a child has logged on to Google Classroom or completed lessons each week. If you get a phone call home from one of our office staff, it means we are concerned that we have not heard from your child this past week. Please email our office staff or guidance counselors if you have an update on your child that you think we should know about i.e. illness, surgery etc. Otherwise, please encourage your child to log on to their Google Classrooms each day to communicate with their teachers.

We know this spring has been crushing for many of our students who have missed out on so many important milestones, most notably, the Class of 2020. We have many ideas in the works to give our students the best possible celebrations that we can based on the New York State guidance. In the meantime, if your child is a senior and hasn’t ordered their class t-shirt, please do so right away as the deadline is fast approaching. Your alumni shirts will be shipped directly to you. They are free! In order to receive yours, please go to and place your order. Please ONLY ORDER 1 PER SENIOR. Post pics of yourself wearing them on twitter – just be sure to tag your advisors @rossanomath and @mrsgetman1 and Dr. Intrieri @ski626

To conclude, I have some good news to share. I am very pleased to announce that Putnam Valley High School was identified as a Recognition School by The New York State Education Department! Only 13% of NYS schools including elementary, middle, private, and public, receive this distinction! As Chancellor Betty Rosa stated, “These are exemplary public schools that demonstrate that all students can achieve at high levels with the right supports and resources,”  We are very proud of the fact that at PVHS we are supporting all students to maximize their opportunities as we want all of our students to feel confident and prepared when they graduate from PVHS. I would like to thank the school community for their support in helping us to develop students who are ready to face the critical challenges that lie beyond high school.


Sandra Intrieri, Ed.D.

File attachments:
PVHS Student Support.pdf
