Dear PVHS Parents and Students,

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! As Dr. Luft stated yesterday, the reality is that school could be closed for an extended period of time. This is a stressful time for everyone as we change our habits and face a new reality. A great deal of information has been sent out over the past few days from the District, the school and teachers which has been a lot to process for parents. Take your time to read all of the correspondence and reach out to Mr. Mello or myself if you have any questions.

You are not alone if you feel overwhelmed by this rapid shift to home instruction. We know that parents are not teachers! You are not expected to set up a homeschooling dynamic for your children. Our teachers are providing lessons and support for the students and are making themselves available to answer any questions and ease the tension that can be associated with this new paradigm. This does not mean that our distance learning process will be seamless or without issues. Keep in mind that this is new to our faculty and administrators as well.

Take care of yourselves and your children and know that we are here to support you! We are in this together.

Dr. Intrieri and Mr. Mello
