Dear PVHS Families,

Studies show that students who are actively engaged outside the classroom achieve positive academic outcomes than students who are not actively engaged. This is why we are excited to announce our school district is incorporating Passport For Good – a mobile-friendly web-based platform that simplifies, recognizes, and celebrates student engagement in the community.

Completely paper-free, this user-friendly platform chronicles and verifies your child’s community service and participation in extracurricular activity experiences inside and outside the classroom.  Passport For Good captures, measures and quantifies “whole student” activity outside the classroom in real-time (i.e. value to the community, engagement in extracurricular activities, employment skills and civic readiness)

  • Empowers students to succeed and creates greater student equity
  • Provides a lifelong non-academic transcript that students can use for college and career readiness
  • Encourages community service through deeper connections with local volunteer organizations

Your child(ren) in the coming weeks will receive instructions on how to register and use the platform to capture their community service, career development and participation in extracurricular activities.

We look forward to your student’s involvement with Passport For Good in the coming school year. To learn more about Passport For Good, visit their website at for more information.


Sandra Sepe
