Dear PVHS Parents and Guardians,

As a follow-up to Dr. Luft’s announcement on the continued re-opening of school, we are looking forward to more students in the building on a regular basis. On March 16th, all students who are currently enrolled as “Hybrid” students will attend school four days a week. Beginning on April 6th, the high school will eliminate the remote Monday-four day a week schedule and move to students attending classes the full five days a week.

In order to best mitigate the spread of Coronavirus when students are in the building, the following practices will be in place this spring.

  • Masks will continue to be worn at all times, except when students are eating.
  • Students must wear a face shield when they cannot be more than 6’ apart in the hallway, a classroom and during lunchtime.  Face Shields will be given out by the school next week as students enter the building. As the weather gets warmer, students will be encouraged to go outside during lunch time.
  • In classes such as Band, Chorus and Phys Ed, students may be closer than the recommended 12 feet social distancing depending on the activity.

On Tuesday, March 23rd beginning at 6:30 pm our Counseling Staff will be holding a presentation on “The Transition Back To School” for parents of students at all grade levels. We encourage all parents to attend and meet our psychologists and social worker who will be hosting the presentation. During the presentation, strategies and tips to help your child adjust back to a more normal routine will be given. Transition Back To School Presentation LINK

After the presentation, the guidance counselors and the Administration will be holding an 8th-9th grade presentation of the high school academic program for 8th grade parents and students beginning at 7pm. 8th-9th Grade Parent Orientation LINK.

It’s been great to see the students at Cheer practice, basketball games and on the wrestling mats. Next week, volleyball and football will be in action. The timing of the seasons are short, but the addition of athletics back into school routines has added much needed life to the building.

We look forward to spring weather, sunshine and happier days ahead for our students.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mr. Mello or myself at the high school.


Sandra Intrieri
