Dear Parents,

It has lifted everyone’s spirits to have many of the students return from remote learning. We look forward to April 6th when we have even more students in the building. On Tuesday, March 23rd, our counselors, Ms. Frye, Ms. Wayne, and Ms. Morales will be presenting on “Strategies to Help Students Return to School” at 6:30 pm through Google Meet (LINK). This is open to all parents of students in grades 9-12.

Progress reports were posted last week. Please check PowerSchool and review comments with your child. If you have any questions, please contact the teacher or email your child’s guidance counselor for additional support.

We are always striving to make our building a safe haven for all students and staff and we are concerned about the recent uptick in violence and hate speech against Asians and Pacific Islanders in our country. If your child has faced any negative comments or problems because of their identity, please contact Mr. Mello or me so that we can address these behaviors in our school. As a reminder, there is an anonymous reporting system on the District website if you are more comfortable with that format. Please partner with us as work to teach the students in our building empathy, perspective, and understanding for all people.


Dr. Sandra  Intrieri
