Dear Parents and Guardians,

Can you believe the 3rd quarter of school just ended?  Spring is such an enjoyable time at PVHS.  We have plenty of athletic teams competing at a high level this spring.  I love coming out on a sunny day, standing on the hill, and seeing a softball game, baseball game,…

Dear PV High School community,

I hope all of you are enjoying spring break and the holidays.  This is an exciting time of year, not only because the weather is getting nicer and we can shed our winter clothing, but because spring signifies the beginning of the end of the school year.  Our seniors anticipate…

Dear Putnam Valley High School Community,

Is it winter yet?  We haven’t had one day to skate on Lake Peekskill or Lake Oscawana, and our sleds are dry-rotting in the garage. The positive side is that there is a lot of activity on the turf field, and I’m not burning through home heating oil.
