Putnam Valley Elementary School
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Dear PVES Families, As we reach the midpoint of this school year, I would like to thank you for your continued partnership with us in your child’s education. We are so very proud of our PVES students, and although we have faced many challenging times over these past couple of years, these children continue to thrive…
Dear PVES Families, I hope that you are enjoying the long weekend and staying safe in the winter weather. Schools are closed on Monday, January 17th, in honor of Martin Luther King Day. Schools will reopen on Tuesday, January 18th. Our elementary school continues to be a safe and energetic place of learning. We thank you all…
Dear PVES Families, I hope that you are all enjoying the snowy weather, and that your children had a chance to play outside on our beautiful snow day. It was wonderful to welcome our students back to school this week. They are so joyful and ready to learn! As you know from Dr. Luft’s email this week,…
Dear PVES Families, Happy New Year! I hope that this message finds you happy and healthy, and that you have enjoyed a wonderful holiday break with your loved ones! We are looking forward to seeing our students in school tomorrow, and we can’t wait to watch them thrive as learners over the next few months. We…