Dear High School Parents & Guardians,

We hope this message finds you well. We would like to address an important matter regarding cell phone use in our classrooms. As part of our commitment to providing the best learning environment for your children, we are implementing new guidelines to minimize distractions and maximize student engagement during class time.

Beginning this school year, we kindly request your cooperation in ensuring that your child adheres to the following guidelines when it comes to cell phone usage in the classroom:

1. **Airplane Mode:** We strongly encourage students to switch their cell phones to airplane mode when they enter the classroom. This will help eliminate incoming notifications, calls, and text messages that can disrupt the learning process. Phones should remain in airplane mode throughout the duration of the class.

2. **Designated Area:** Each classroom will have a designated area where students can place their cell phones before the start of class. Some classrooms have cubbies or other storage organizers. Other classroom teachers will ask the students to place their cell phones in their backpacks.  Placing phones in these designated areas will prevent students from using their devices during class and minimize the temptation to check them.

We believe that these measures will greatly contribute to a more focused and productive learning environment. By reducing distractions and fostering better concentration, we aim to enhance the overall educational experience for our students.

We kindly request your support in discussing these guidelines with your child and emphasizing the importance of adhering to them. Your involvement and partnership in reinforcing these rules will undoubtedly contribute to a more successful implementation.

We understand that cell phones have become an integral part of daily life, but we also believe in the value of minimizing their presence in the classroom to create a more effective learning space.  Cell phone guidelines only apply to classrooms and academic settings.

Should you have any questions or concerns about these guidelines, please feel free to contact us. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter and look forward to working together to provide the best educational experience for your child.

Thank you for your continued support of our school community.



Mr. Matt Mello


Putnam Valley High School
