Dear Families,

Due to the COVID19 health crisis, The College Board (AP) and the International Baccalaureate Program (IB) have made several changes over the past several weeks with how they will conduct their year end assessments.

AP Exams
The College Board is not offering on-site exams this year. All AP exams will take place online. Each exam will have two test dates. These exams will last 45 minutes and students will only be able to take the exam once. Students will be given their accommodations for these exams through the College Board. On April 3rd, the College Board will release the test schedule, which we will post so that students can plan accordingly. If your son/daughter is enrolled in a course that has a portfolio (AP Art and Design, Computer Science Principles), the teacher will reach out and explain the student options. The portfolio submission date is May 26th. Teachers may set earlier internal deadlines for these to ensure all work is submitted on time; they will communicate these to classes as needed.

The College Board is limiting the content of exams to material traditionally taught through March. To prepare for these exams, teachers will focus on review of important concepts to this point. In addition, the College Board is offering online classes that all students can take to further their learning. Information for these classes can be found here:
To prepare for the technological component of this exam, students should ensure they are able to log into their College Board accounts. If you have any difficulty with your username/password, please reach out to the school immediately so we can resolve this with the College Board.
We will provide an update after the April 3rd test release schedule. Please feel free to contact the high school with any questions.
Mrs. Keller (guidance)
Mrs. Orefice (main office)

IB Exams
The following announcement pertains only to IB Biology (SL), IB Chemistry (SL), IB Psychology (SL) and one IB Computer Science (SL) student. This does not affect any IB 2-year course students.

The International Baccalaureate Organization has announced that the May examinations for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme will not be held this year due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.
Students will be awarded a Course Certificate which reflects their standard of work. This is based on student’s coursework and the established assessment expertise, rigor and quality control already built into the programmes.

The Internal Assessment is an integral part of the IB course work. Each IB teacher will notify students of their internal assessment deadline. Please contact your child’s individual IB teacher or the IB Diploma Coordinators, Mr. Lathrop or Mr. DeGregorio

NYS Regents Exams
We are currently awaiting an update from NYS about the June Regents exams. As soon as we find out more information we will pass it on to the PVHS community.

Thank you for your patience during this challenging time.


Mr. Matt Mello
Assistant Principal

Cc: Dr. Sandra Intrieri, Principal
