Category: Elementary School
Weekly Word – May 22, 2022
Dear PVES Families,
I hope that you have all enjoyed this hot and hazy weekend. It is certainly a busy time of many festivities and celebrations, and we are staying busy each day at PVES as well.
Please be reminded that there will be no school for students on this Friday, May 27th, or on Monday, May…
May 15, 2022
Dear PVES Families,
The PVCSD Budget Vote will be held at the Putnam Valley Elementary School this Tuesday, May 17th, from 6 AM to 9 PM. Please be sure to vote! Voter parking will be available in front of the cafeteria, and all voters will enter through the cafeteria doors. Please be sure your voice is…
Weekly Word – May 8, 2022
Dear PVES Families,
Happy Mother’s Day! I hope that all our PVES moms and special adults are feeling loved and appreciated today. May you always know how your love, attention, and efforts impact the young ones in your life. Wishing you a very happy day!
It was wonderful to see so many mothers and special adults visit…
Weekly Word – May 1, 2022
Dear PVES Families,
And the month of May begins! Our students and faculty are really on the home stretch of this amazing school year, and we are so proud of how we have all worked together through incredible times. Your children are doing so well, with attendance records truly exceptional in our building right now! We…
Weekly Word – April 24, 2022
Dear PVES Families,
Spring is here, and the fourth quarter of the school year is in full swing. Progress Reports have been mailed, and all teachers welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress. If you have not been contacted by your child’s teachers but would like an updated conference or phone…