Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Thank you to all of you who have signed up for Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences! We have now completed the first quarter of the school year, and Progress Reports are being shared at these important conferences. Thank you for supporting your children with their nightly homework and reading, and thank you for prioritizing good attendance and punctuality on each school day. All of this helps to set your children up for learning success!

Our Holiday Food Drive is going well! Each class has a box that is filling up with foods to help others at this special time of year. Thank you so much for your generous contributions!

Our PVES Scholastic Book Fair is being held this week! Each class has a specific day and time to visit the Fair. There is no pressure to buy! However, this Book Fair provides great ideas for holiday gifts for children. Happy shopping and reading!

We are looking forward to the PVES Gym Show this week. Our student-athletes will perform for classes during the day on Wednesday, and they will perform for their families on Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Thank you to all the parents who have made this performance possible with the early morning practices!

Our Lost & Found collection is quite substantial at this point! All Lost & Found clothing items have been placed on a large table in our main hallway. Please encourage your children to look through this collection in search of anything they have lost. All items not picked up by Thanksgiving will be donated to needy families at the end of November. Please remember to label all clothing items for your children, even on inside tags. The weather is about to get colder, so labeling hats and mittens is important as well!

As you know, our elementary students will have half-days on Tuesday, November 22nd, and Wednesday, November 23rd, due to our Parent/Teacher Conference Schedules. Please mark your calendars for these two 12:00 dismissals before Thanksgiving break.

Enjoy the week ahead. We aim to start our second quarter of the school year strong. And we hope your children enjoy the Book Fair!

Thank you to all our Veterans for their service!


Dr. Margaret Podesta