Category: Elementary School
Weekly Word – April 3, 2022
Dear PVES Families,
Our PTA Spring Book Fair takes place this week! Beginning tomorrow through Friday morning, each class is scheduled to visit the Book Fair in the Auditorium on a certain day at a specific time. If you would like to visit the Book Fair with your child’s class, please come to the school at…
Weekly Word – March 27, 2022
Dear PVES Families,
Congratulations to the cast and crew of the amazing Willy Wonka musical that was performed this past week by our talented 3rd and 4th graders. The students did an outstanding job on stage, and our live audience was thrilled! Thank you so much to our PTA Arts in Education and to Mrs. Phillips,…
Weekly Word – March 20, 2022
Dear PVES Families,
And spring has sprung! I hope that you have all enjoyed this warm weekend, and that you are feeling rested and energized as we head into the beautiful spring season. Our students and staff certainly had a festive week celebrating St. Patrick’s Day! Thank you to our wonderful PTA for providing our teachers…
Weekly Word – March 13, 2022
Dear PVES Families,
I hope that you have all enjoyed the three-day weekend with your children, and that everyone is ready for a great, spring-like week ahead! Our faculty and staff were hard at work on our Superintendent’s Conference Day on Friday, attending professional learning meetings and working collaboratively on many components of curriculum. Our PVES…
Weekly Word – March 6, 2022
Dear PVES Families,
We had a wonderful week at PVES, welcoming the month of March and getting back into our learning schedules after a happy and healthy winter break. Please be reminded that there will be no school for students on this Friday, March 11th due to our Superintendent’s Conference Day. We look forward to a…
Weekly Word – February 27, 2022
Dear PVES Families,
Welcome back after a mid-winter break! I hope that you all enjoyed some wonderful time with your families, and that everyone is looking forward to getting back to our full-time school schedule tomorrow! We will wrap up the busy month of February tomorrow with a cold day, but then we hope to welcome…
Weekly Word – February 13, 2022
Dear PVES Families,
Happy Super Bowl Sunday, and Happy almost-Valentine’s Day! Our little PVES sweethearts have been staying very active while celebrating our theme days with us. We know it’s a busy time, but our students love to laugh and learn together, and our sense of community is strong. The morale is high in our wonderful…