Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope that you have enjoyed the long weekend and this beautiful fall weather! We are looking forward to a busy and productive month ahead!

October is Fire Prevention and Safety Month! Tomorrow, we welcome the Putnam Valley Volunteer Fire Department to PVES. Each grade level will have the time to learn more about fire safety practices, and the children will get to see the fire trucks and safety equipment up close. We thank the Fire Department for their community partnership! We have conducted many fire drills at PVES already this year, and we will calmly and safely practice a lockdown drill soon.

Please remember to join the Putnam Valley Education Foundation at the Annual Color Run this Sunday, October 16th! Thank you for your support! This event is always so much fun!

We look forward to our First Responder Visiting Day on Wednesday, October 26th, at 9:15 AM. If you work as a First Responder, please reach out to me. We would love to have you visit a classroom to share about your important work, and maybe read a book! Please let your First Responder friends know that we would like to welcome them to PVES! Thank you so much for what you do, and for your time! My email is mpodesta@pvcsd.org.

Our Elementary School Picture Day will be held on Thursday, October 27th. (A retake day will be held in November). Please see the PTA website for more information.

All elementary teachers are beginning to create their Fall Parent/Teacher Conference Schedules for November. These important in-person conferences will take place on the designated dates as seen on the school’s calendar scroll. Please be sure to reach out to all your child’s teachers for conferences. All faculty can be reached via email at first initial, last name @ pvcsd.org. We look forward to this important communication at the end of the first quarter of the school year.

Thank you for supporting your child’s daily reading and homework routines. Thank you also for stressing regular school attendance and punctuality. We are working together to set the children up for great learning success, and this makes all the difference!

Please check the November school calendar carefully. All elementary students (only) will be dismissed at 12:00 PM on Tuesday, November 22nd, and on Wednesday, November 23rd. Thank you for planning for these half-day dismissals.

Enjoy the week ahead! Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Dr. Margaret Podesta
