Putnam Valley Elementary School
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Dear PVES Families! Happy spring! The days are getting warmer, and the sun is shining longer! We will continue to watch our wonderful PVES students grow and blossom over the next few months. They sure bring the sunshine and smiles! We have had a wonderful time of celebration over the past week! Our entire PVES school participated…
Dear PVES Families, I hope that you are all enjoying the weekend, and that you are prepared for some upcoming winter weather this week. We will now have an extra hour of afternoon sunlight, but possibly with some snow to come along with it. Thank you for being prepared for any early dismissals, school delays, or…
Dear PVES Families, Happy weekend, and happy busy month of March! Our students returned to school after mid-winter break ready to learn, engage fully in classroom activities, and begin the new month with their very best efforts. We are so proud of our elementary students, and we thank you for all your support, each and every…
Dear PVES Families, I hope that you are all enjoying a wonderful winter break! We look forward to seeing all our students on Monday morning, February 27th. Where did the month of February go? Please be reminded that there will be no school for students on Friday, March 10th. This is a Superintendent’s Conference Day for our…
Dear PVES Families, Happy Super Bowl Sunday! I hope you and your families are all enjoying this mild winter weather and the many February festivities taking place. This past week, our students celebrated our 100th Day of School and Sports Jersey day too! This Tuesday, all staff and students are invited to wear red, pink, or…
Dear PVES Families, I hope you have all stayed warm and safe in during our recent cold spell. It looks like the week ahead will be much warmer, and the children will be outside for recess each day. Please be reminded that all students should be wearing winter jackets to school during the winter months. We…