Putnam Valley Elementary School
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Dear PVES Families, I hope that this letter finds you well, and that you and your loved ones are all safe, healthy, and comfortable in your homes. I also hope that your children were able to enjoy the creative and engaging learning activities provided by our teachers this week. The children should look forward to receiving…
Dear PVES Families, Happy PV Pride Day!  It’s the first Friday of a new month, and many of us are wearing our blue and white colors today to show off our school pride today!  Please see the attachment showing the lyrics to our wonderful PVES Pride Song. Maybe your children can sing it for you! I am…
Dear PVES Families, Happy Friday!  We have all put in another great week of distance teaching and learning together, and I am so proud of all of you! Thank you to the parents who are supporting this great work every day, and thank you to our teachers who are working so hard to connect with all of…
Dear PVES Families, Spring is here, and there is hope on the horizon!  As a community and as a nation and world, we are certainly facing challenging times.  We will get through this, and we will continue to communicate with each other, support our young students and their families, and do whatever we can as individuals…
Dear PVES Families, I hope that this letter finds you healthy and well.  I know that this is a very stressful time in our schools and in our country.  Please know that your school district is working very hard to make careful, informed decisions, always with the best interest of our students and families in mind.  We are dealing…
Dear PVES Families, Welcome to the month of March, Women’s History Month! This new month certainly came in like a lamb this year, and we are almost heading to spring without much snow to speak of at all. Please remember to turn your clocks forward one hour this Saturday. We will lose an hour of sleep…