Dear PVMS Families, We hope you are enjoying a reprieve from schoolwork and are enjoying time with your families.  Please don’t forget to get outside and play and take a break from electronic devices.  This is one of the most well deserved…
Dear PVMS Families, We have entered the final stretch!  June is here and we have a full three weeks of instruction before our final day of school on Friday, June 19th.  We know that it has been a long road with distance learning and…
NJHS Inductees
Dear PVMS Families, It is our honor to share with you that there are 21 new members of the Putnam Valley Chapter of The National Junior Honor Society.  Through years of hard work and determination each student has earned a place in this prestigious organization.  When the NJHS was…
Dear PVMS Families, Our April showers have brought May flowers and your children have just started the beginning of the fourth quarter.  It looks like our weather is warming up and we will finally see more sunny days than rainy days.  In an effort to help us all have a meaningful May…
Dear PVMS Families, We have entered the fourth quarter and in thinking about progress, we want to be as informative as possible.  Our students are navigating uncharted waters while learning new standards and concepts with independent practice.  Teachers are doing their best to be responsive and provide feedback using various forms of…
Dear PVMS Families, April is upon us and with that comes warmer weather, showers, and flowers and trees start to bloom.  I’m hopeful that we have more sunshine than showers, as our children benefit greatly from being outside.  This is imperative…
Dear PVMS Families, The month of February flew by even with an extra day for the leap year and now we welcome in March!  The month of March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.  Winter is still here for a few more weeks and…