Dear PVMS Families,

We hope you are enjoying a reprieve from schoolwork and are enjoying time with your families.  Please don’t forget to get outside and play and take a break from electronic devices.  This is one of the most well deserved summers on record.  Everyone is anxious to return to a sense of normalcy but there are still a lot of unanswered questions that we all have.  

During the summer months we will be working on a few plans with our Re-Entry Task Force Committee so that we are prepared for what phase we will be on in September.  This all depends on what phase we are in and what directives we receive from the state of New York.  There will certainly be more to come as we near September.  Under the circumstances, we will ensure all measures are in place for a return to our building if possible.

Please take a look at our summer reading recommendations.  The best thing that anyone could do over an extended break is to read.  Remember, these are recommendations so we encourage everyone to take a look and at the very least read one book of interest over the summer.  In addition, our supply lists have been updated by every grade level.  We know that there are many sales for supplies over the summer for these items and it is never too early to prepare for September.

On behalf of the staff of Putnam Valley Middle School, we wish you a happy, healthy and restful summer.  The 4th quarter grades and comments have now been posted to PowerSchool for your review and paper report cards have been sent home in the mail.

If you need anything from us during the summer months, please email us as our building is under construction. Our emails are or  You may also call us at 845-528-8101.  We will do our best to answer any questions that you may have or to assist you in any way.

We will be sending out notices with opening day information as well as locker opening opportunities for all grade levels in August.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone again on September 8th, our first day of school!

Enjoy your summer with your families.

Travis W. McCarty



